
The world’s worst job?

What is the world’s worst job? Telemarketer maybe? Slaughterman? Proctologist or gong farmer? Slightly different to a Kiwi dairy or sheep farmer in that the gong farmer was bloke in Tudor England who made two shilling a ton for emptying cesspits...... Read More

Weird and wonderful on the farm

It was the most perfect of times, but also the spookiest. Summertime, inland mid-Canterbury on 150 hectares of sheep farm where the grass is forever fighting for survival against river stones, thistles, the shimmering heat and the big dry. The grass...... Read More

Why grazing intervals over summer are important

Carbon Positive Farming with Peter Burton Functional Fertiliser Ltd  Short grazing intervals markedly reduce total pasture cover over summer as well as limiting the amount of pasture grown between now and the end of autumn. Just...... Read More

Curcumin and digestive health

John Arts                   Abundant Living          I...... Read More

Greatest value close to home

Carbon Positive Farming with Peter Burton Functional Fertiliser Ltd In the 32 years I’ve been involved in the dolomite business the most common objection when selling it has been its price. That’s a fair and reasonable...... Read More

Rural subdivision on again

Your land surveyed with Brent Trail Surveying Services Ltd When the National Policy Statement for high-quality soils came into effect, we were not surprised when some councils overreacted to it. Even though, with the last full...... Read More

Joint Problems: Dealing with the causes (Part 1)

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Limestone, the foremost of fertilisers

Better soils with Brett Petersen Kiwi Fertiliser & Golden Bay Dolomite  I can recall many occasions after a farmer or contractor had applied lime, dolomite, gypsum, or even burnt lime, “that is was good stuff, because...... Read More

Why sunshine is everything, almost.

Carbon Positive Farming with Peter Burton Functional Fertiliser Ltd  In an ever-changing world it’s comforting to know that some things remain the same.  September nervousness has been a constant for as long as...... Read More

Bill Webb – the end of a 48 year era

Outlook with Bill Webb Bill Webb Feed Solutions  The weather picture has changed with drier conditions which has been good for farmers during calving and is the first signs of the El Nino weather system which will affect...... Read More

Advantages of having a correctly balanced soil

Better soils with Brett Petersen Kiwi Fertiliser & Golden Bay Dolomite   Balancing the soil fertility correctly can only be achieved if your consultant has the correct information to work with. We, at Kiwi Fertiliser,...... Read More

Where has the Chondroitin gone?

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The day farming fired me

I have absolutely no qualms in declaring my huge and selfless contribution to the agricultural industry in New Zealand. It’s the stuff of New Year Honours. And I did it simply by staying away from anything that involved, dirt, animals, crops, gumboots,...... Read More

Election set to influence subdivision rules

Your land surveyed with Brent Trail Surveying Services Ltd  Every three years, we go through this period of uncertainty. Given the length of time that it takes to draft and introduce new legislation, it seems a no-brainer...... Read More

A ‘discard’ season in future years

Outlook with Bill Webb Bill Webb Feed Solutions  We are now in the peak of the season with calving almost done and lambing well underway. In a normal year, this demand would be offset with good grass production, but not...... Read More

The effects of fertiliser pricing

Fert Options with Robin Boom Agronomic Advisory Services  For many maize and kiwifruit growers, the high cost of fertilisers last year will have made a huge dent in any profit as they are both nutrient hungry crops. With...... Read More

Clover, ultimate animal tucker

Carbon Positive Farming with Peter Burton Functional Fertiliser Ltd  The primary reason clover is included in permanent pasture mixes is its ability to fix nitrogen, an essential growth element. Permanent pasture seed mixes...... Read More

Whey affected dairy farms

Better soils with Brett Petersen Kiwi Fertiliser & Golden Bay Dolomite   Over the years, Kiwi Fertiliser has encountered many cases of paddocks fertilised with whey from the dairy factories causing problems for soils, plants,...... Read More

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